Momtographer 365 project

The goal of this blog is to take a picture each day of the year and see where it leads me. I'm doing this for myself as a journal of my journey with my kids over the year and also to force myself to learn to take better photos.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 45 2-27-11

A silly dance.  This morning we were playing Hullabaloo with Pierce.  A really fun game that involves following directions around some mats, kind of like twister with a twist!  When you win the game tells you to do a silly dance.  Since our 4 year old, Pierce, was a little embarrassed to do a dance by himself we partook in the exercise as well (even if we didn't win).  Here are Joe and Pierce having a great time celebrating Pierce's win.  I was aiming to tell a story by manipulating my shutter speed, but I could only get my shutter as high as 1/160 because of the lighting (the windows in the back did not help the matter).  Anyway, I wasn't able to stop motion as much as I had hoped, but the photo still turned out pretty well.  SS1/160 f/1.8 ISO400.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 44 2-26-11

Today was my Grandmother's 86th birthday.  My Mom through her a birthday party and as usual, it was a full house.  I had a hard time choosing today because I tried to capture little moments from the day.  I loved this photo because Grandma is at one end opening gifts while all the kids hold the seats surrounding her.  My favorite part is that there are lots of little things going on with the kids in this picture.  Just seemed to capture the moment. ss1/50 f/1.8 iso400

and a few more....

My favorite niece!  Miss Kenedy London Jiron-Baker!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 43 2-25-11

This morning we woke up to a layer of frost that coated all of the trees and plants.  We don't usually get these kind of crystallized mornings and it was really pretty.  I stopped by some open space on my way into work to try to capture the beauty with my camera.  I hope this captures the cold yet peacefulness of the morning. ss1/1250 f/1.8 iso100

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 42 2-24-11

Well, here I am in my usual picture taking state.  Camera in one hand, baby in the other.  Lucky for me Kai was enjoying the teething necklace instead of grabbing for the camera at this moment.  I thought it would be nice to show MY "face" for once.  This is the best I could do.  SS1/50 f/1.8 ISO400

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 41 2-23-11

Grandma.  Kai is very good at giving hugs right now.  He leans in and snuggles with you when holding him.  So wonderful.  I managed to capture such a moment here between my Mom and son. ss1/50 f/1.8 iso200

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 40 2-22-11

Constricted. Here Pierce is watching animal planet while both constricted by his snake "it's a constrictor, you know" and his cold.  SS1/50 f/1.8 ISO400

Day 39 2-21-11

Had to work late and came home with a migraIne.  In the half hour between when I got home and when we went to bed I took this picture o Kai playing with his feet on my lap. Not the best exposure, but all I could manage. ss1/25 f/1.8 iso400

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 38 2-20-11

Boys reading books.  Pierce was a little sick today so we spent much of the day lazing around and reading books.  Pierce really loves the "Jack and Annie" books (ss1/100 f/1.8 ISO400).  I think the one of Kai is adorable because he has the look of "I'm going to get this book ... and put it in my mouth!"(ss1/640 f/1.8 ISO400)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 37 2-19-11

Dad and his kids.  Out for a walk on a beautiful day.  ss1/1250 f/3.5 iso100

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 36 2-18-11

Hello Kitty!  Funny, at work today we were discussing Hello Kitty merchandise (my mentor has a 4 year old daughter), I fear our house will never be occupied by such cute little girl things.  Thus, it seemed all the more appropriate to post our little "hello kitty" moment. ss1/125 f1/8 ISO400

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 35 2-17-11

This picture I took this morning as I was trying to get ready.  The boys were playing on the bed and Pierce was trying to entertain Kai who had obviously had enough.  I love, love, love the expression on Kai's face. I didn't realize a sweet baby could say with his face "whatever, big brother!"  So funny!  SS1/50 f/1.8 ISO400

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 34 2-16-11

Pierce was playing with Kai's blocks tonight so I snapped a shot of him looking through them.  Didn't really turn out how I wanted, but it's kind of cool anyway. While I was taking it he asked: "Mom, why do you keep taking pictures?" .  If he only knew about facebook and blogging! ss1/25 f/1.8 ISO400

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 33 2-15-11

My morning sunshine.  I was trying for a leading lines composition here with the chair but ended up messing it up.  I still loved, more than any other picture I took today, the lines and the expression on my little one's face.  So happy, such a smirk.  After a rough day in the lab you can imagine how wonderful it is to come home to this!  SS1/40 f/1.8 ISO400 (a little over-exposed, but I love how bright it is).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 32 2-14-11

Happy Valentine's Day!  This little beauty is made of love from my little Valentine's heart and the thoughtfulness of my cousin, Michele, who helped him create it.  I tried to focus on his name which HE wrote in purple marker.  Adorable.  ss1/80 f/1.8 ISO 400

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 31 2-13-11

Today we went to get Pierce's hair cut and then for a walk because it was such a beautiful day.  I love this picture of Kai especially since while I was taking it someone asked me if it was his first haircut (since we were at the salon).  I couldn't figure out why they would ask that, either his hair is really that crazy (it is) or they were surprised by my picture taking (I was certainly the only one with a camera).  While we were walking Pierce enjoyed jumping and running over puddles.  It was great!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 30 2-12-11

Today was a good day.  We had a relaxing morning and caught up on some odds and ends that needed to be done.  This afternoon we watched my niece and nephew, Kenedy and Tucker.  As soon as they arrived all three of the big (well bigger) kids sat on the couch with Joe to read books before taking a nap.  I took about a hundred pictures but they all seemed boring until I started experimenting with angle.  I ended up liking this one. ss1/100 f/1.8 ISO400
 But, I couldn't resist posting these of Kai.  The top one is for you, Mom.  I finally caught a good one of him blowing and spitting.  So cute!  The bottom one is just adorable little Kai showing off his smile.  ss1/250 f/1.8 ISO200

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 29 2-11-11

Joe returned from his trip to Canada tonight.  His first action at home was to make us dinner, so here he is, Kai in hand making Pad Thai for us.  This is taken with my new 35mm f/1.8 lens.  I love it, there is no way I could have taken this picture with either of my other lenses.  Excited to explore what else it can do this weekend. ss1/80 f1/8! ISO400
Couldn't resist adding this one too!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 28 2-10-11

After dinner tonight Pierce pulled out some of his little army men and wind up dinosaur.  He decided to make the dinosaur eat the army guy (of course!).  He didn't mind that I had the camera right in his face and amazingly I got this shot without too much blur from his movement.  He also got to talk to his Dad tonight which he was thrilled with.  We are looking forward to his coming home tomorrow. ss1/15 f/5 ISO400

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 27 2-9-11

Poor baby, Kai didn't like the garbanzo beans and mango that I made him.  I think he took maybe two bites and then just gave me this look.  Oh well, try again tomorrow.  Not a lot of extra time for pictures today, hopefully I can do better tomorrow.  ss1/5 f/4.8 ISO400

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 26 2-8-11

Today Pierce, Kai, and I stayed home due to bad weather.  Pierce is very into his stick horse (made by him at school) and riding it around with his cowboy costume on.  We decided we needed cowboy names so shown here are "Ride-em-up Randy" (aka Pierce) and "Bull-rider Beau" (aka Kai).  Don't they look like tough cowboys?  ss1/30 f/4 ISO 400

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 25 2-7-11

Patchwork Hiro.  Joe is back in Canada for the week so Kai and I have had a lot of train time with Pierce.  I'm on the floor with Kai while Pierce drives his train around the track.  He's beginning to get annoyed with me and just wants me to play trains too and Kai is in the background complaining, but I got the shot and then everyone was happy.  It's going to be a very long week.  SS1/15 f/5 ISO400

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 24 2-6-11

SNOW!  We had about a foot of snow today so we all went out this morning to shovel and play in the snow.  There are lots of cute pictures of our snow day, but I liked this one the best.  I especially like how Pierce is in the background investigating the snow and Kai is looking at me like "what is this"?  He was mesmerized most of the time, it was a beautiful morning. SS1/1000 f/4 ISO100

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 23 2-5-11

FEET!  Joe and Pierce were reading books before Pierce's nap today and Kai was in a great mood so we sat beside them.  I had been wanting to take a picture of Pierce and Kai's feet and hands but I didn't realize it would be then until I noticed how perfect it was.  If you look, all three boys (Joe's feet are on the floor) have their feet crossed the same way!  I had a hard time choosing today since I was with my camera all day I got a few good photos.  Wish I had this problem ever day!  SS1/15 f/3.5 ISO400

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 22 2-4-11

Baby in a bumbo.  This is our typical morning routine.  We try to get breakfast, lunch and of course coffee made in the morning while Kai sits and watches us from the bumbo.  He usually plays with his feet like this if (as in this case) he has thrown all of his toys into unreachable territory.  I was trying to get a silhouette here, but wasn't too successful.  I still really thought the picture had composition so I chose it for today.  I also love how you can see his hair standing straight up!  ss1/30 f/4 ISO 200

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 21 2-3-11

It was kind of a funny day today.  It seemed everywhere I went I smelled something stinky.  Kai definitely needed a bath so while I thought I already had a photo for the day I decided to shoot one of him in his little tub.  We put the tub in our shower so it was a little cramped and I had to stand on the edge of the shower in my bare feet and look down at him.  I ended up liking this one the best because of his face, this is a typical Kai look. ss1/30 f/4 ISO 800

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 20 2-2-11

I had a hard time with my picture today.  We forgot to bring Pierce's tuition in the morning, my computer decided to delete all my emails so I got nothing done at work and the high today was less than ideal.  I've been wanting to snap a shot of Pierce coming down the alley from school.  Seemed like an appropriately cold day to do it so I brought my point and shoot and did my best.  I like the way the sun is shining on the buildings.  You can tell Pierce is cold, but heaven forbid he wear his hat and gloves!  I also attached a little story he wrote about a broomstick horse he made at school today.  It's sweet.  He's a tough, but friendly horse!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 19 2-1-11

Today it was cold!  BRRRRR!  Most schools got cancelled and the roads were terrible.  Fortunately I had the morning to play with the boys until my Mom came.  We decided to try on the cowboy costume from Christmas since Pierce is studying cowboys and the Wild West at school this session.  I couldn't resist the one of Kai.  I love how he's grabbing for the hat, but he can't really figure out where it is!  ss1/200 f/4 iso200

Pierce is having a sip of water while saying something in "cowboy language".  So cute, I love experiencing parenthood.  Even though it is very hard most of the time it is also very intriguing.  Every aspect of our growing up is learned and impressionable.  I only hope we are teaching and making the right impressions. ss1/200 f/4 iso200